
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Otona no Chogokin Hayabusa MUSES-C - Part 2

Second part of review continued from un-boxing of Hayabusa. First I would like to introduce little Busa, little brother of Hayabusa replica. This little Busa is a fix display replica which spells no bending, twisting or whatever (or you may try at your own risk as the first aid of super glue is easily available in store).

Ok, enough of little Busa. Now to the sidelines, the Remote a.k.a Hayabusa display label. It required CR2032 battery to operate (yes, cheapo Bandai didn't included it despite the amount I paid for).

Come next, display base & accessories. There is a small tray of accessories, interchangeable parts & Hayabusa display holder.
The reflected surface of the base can be removed in order to swap in back-drop included in the package & the support stand is installed thru the bottom of the base which there will be a lock in place mechanism. There are two additional clear display attachment with magnetic end to create the scene where Hayabusa eject the pod contain with meteor sample back to Earth.

For the additional accessories tray, I have no idea what are they. Anyway here they are. Those four tiny silver pod with three horns attach, they have a magnet at the bottom as shown in picture.
Finally, Hayabusa himself. Without the stand, there is no way he can be put into a cabinet for display as the tiny thrusters are all around him (or we can display it as last picture below).

To mount him to the stand, I need to refer to the manual to get it right.
Now he is in the orbit & extending his solar panels.

There is a locking mechanism to allow the fully expanded solar panels to stay in place. I also notice that the receiver dish is perforated finish.

Oops. I forget about the swap able parts & accessories to be attach to Hayabusa.

A few last picture of complete Hayabusa in display (Sorry for the lousy camera & skill).

I can't really judge either he worth his price or not as for hardcore space collector, this is just great with all the details (my gosh, so many details to look into yet my camera not closed enough to capture), finish (gold bling blingness just never end) & value for collection (in terms of his hardwork in getting meteor sample back to earth). For me, I just want something different from my normal group of mecha collections. I get this guy at 50% off & no, I didn't regret this as he does shine & stand out among the crowd in my display cabinet (my camera just can't capture the glory of Hayabusa or perhaps is my lousy skill to blame).

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